STA410/2102F (Fall, 2007) Grade-Related Course Policies


If you feel that there was a genuine error in the grading of your homework or test, then you should write or type a full explanation of your concern on a separate piece of paper. (Also include your full name, student number, e-mail address, and telephone number.)

Then give this envelope to the instructor within one week of when the graded homework or test was first available. All regrading requests must be done in writing -- you may not argue your grade in person.

Your claim will then be examined. If it is found to be valid, then an appropriate adjustment to your mark will be made. The regrading decision of the instructor is final.


  1. You must not alter your test paper in any way before submitting it for regrading -- any such altering will be treated as a serious academic offence.
  2. If you submit a regrading request, the instructor may also choose to re-examine the grading of your entire homework or test, with a critical eye, and may decide to deduct various points, so your mark may end up going down rather than up. Thus, you should only request a regrade in cases of genuine, clear grading error (e.g. incorrectly adding up the marks, or marking a solution as wrong when it is actually correct). I really mean it!


If you miss a test unavoidably due to illness, then you must submit a "University Of Toronto Student Medical Certificate" form, available on the web at:
This form should be filled in by you and your doctor, and then presented (along with any other supporting documentation) to the instructor as soon as possible.

If your claim of illness is found to be valid, and you are excused from writing the test, then the corresponding course grade weighting will be shifted to the final exam.