[ See: HW #1. HW#1sol. HW #2. Test. Test-Sol. HW #3. HW #4. HW#4sol. ]
Professor Jeffrey S. Rosenthal,
Department of Statistics, University of Toronto.
Sidney Smith Hall, room 6024; phone (416) 978-4594;
Time: Thursdays, 6-9 pm. First class January 10. Last class April 10. No class February 21 (Reading Week).
Place: Sidney Smith Hall (100 St. George Street), room 2118. (Building "SS" on campus map.)
Course Web Page: Visit probability.ca/sta447 for the latest course information and announcements.
Textbook: Essentials of Stochastic Processes, by Rick Durrett (Springer, 2nd printing 2001). Available at U of T Bookstore or amazon.
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Markov chains in discrete and continuous time, martingales, Poisson processes, renewal theory, and Brownian motion, with applications (as time permits) to queueing networks, option pricing, population models, and more.
Prerequisites: STA347, or equivalent knowledge of advanced probability theory.
Evaluation: One in-class test (Feb. 28, in OISE room 2212, 30%); one final exam (Wed. April 23, 7-10pm, in U.C. West Hall, 50%); homework assignments (20%). See also the grade-related course policies.