In referencing your sources, you will need to follow whichever standard documentation format your professor has indicated you should use for your in-text citations and bibliography. Some examples of different documentation formats are the Vancouver style, CBE (Council of Biology Editors), and APA (American Psychological Association).
Before you begin your research, become familiar with the documentation format required for your essay. Then, as you read, keep a detailed record on where you found the information (including page numbers). This will save you a lot of time later on.
RefWorks is a tool for keeping track of your sources and formatting your references. U of T has licensed this software for all students and staff, so you do not need to purchase it. RefWorks allows you to import citations from Ovid Medline, the U of T Library Catalogue, and many other sources. It also allows you to select a documentation format (such as CBE or Vancouver style). For more information, please see the RefWorks web page provided by the Gerstein Science Information Centre.
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