STA257 Poll Participation Information

This year, five percent (5%) of the STA257 grade will be based on class participation and performance in poll questions, to be given during lecture using the "Poll Everywhere" technology.

Register! To participate in the STA257 poll activities, you must first register in one of the following ways.
[NOTE: be sure to use your USUAL UNIVERSITY EMAIL ADDRESS when you register, or your poll responses will not be counted]
(A) Follow the instructions on the invitation email if you received one;
(B) Or, go to the following web site depending on your section number:
(C) Or, follow the QR code on the top right or visit the general registration web site:

Participate! During lectures, when the instructor poses a poll question, you should answer it on your cell phone or laptop computer at (bookmark that page!) or app. Your poll grade will be based on a combination of your participation rate, and the accuracy of your answers. It is okay to make reasonable guesses when you are not sure. You may briefly discuss the questions with your neighbours when answering. Note that you must answer in the section in which you are registered, or it will not be counted.

Follow the rules! It is absolutely forbidden to participate in poll questions when you are not in class and genuinely thinking about the question. It is also forbidden to help another student do so. Violations of this policy will result in serious penalties (much more than 5%) as per the university's Code of Behaviour.

Relax! The polls count for just 5%. Furthermore, they will be graded out of just 80% of the total poll questions. So, if you miss a few questions, or even a few classes, then do not worry, that will not penalise you (provided you don't cheat). Hence, no special accommodations will be given for occasional absenses, whatever the reason; you should only request accommodation if you have to miss a very large number of classes due to a prolonged illness.

Alternative? If you do not have access to a cell phone or laptop computer during class, or do not wish to participate in the poll questions, then it may be possible to instead earn your participation points by attending all of your STA257 lectures and tutorials, and submitting detailed hand-written lecture notes after each lecture. If you wish to consider this option, then please email to discuss. This option must be requested by Fri Sept 13, and if granted will apply for the entire semester.

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