Peter Rosenthal's Home Page

Peter Rosenthal is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto (whose research is largely devoted to bounded linear operators on Hilbert space) and is also a lawyer in private practice.

See his CV and genealogy and book1 and book2 and book3 and book4 and MathSciNet and writings.

See also this article1 and article2 and article3 and article4 and wiki about him.

The errata for An Introduction to Operators on the Hardy Hilbert Space, by Rubén A. Martínez-Avendaño and Peter Rosenthal, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 237, Springer 2006, is now available.

Announcement: Unfortunately, Peter Rosenthal passed away on May 25, 2024. See the death notice (or in pdf) and obituary (or in pdf / jpg / txt) and memoriam. There will be a Celebration Of Life on Sat Aug 24 -- all are welcome!