This page is part of Family history documents: Esther Posner & family.
-- Margaret Fulford

Places in Belarus where the Jerome and Sonia lived

Four places in Belarus are mentioned as places where Sonia and/or Jerome lived
(Chereya, Obol'tsy, Dubrowna, and Mogilev):

1998 Rosenthal-Posner family tree -- married in Mogilov -- born in Mogilov -- born in Obolitz
JewishGen Belarus Marriages Database -- "bride's place" and "groom's place": Chereia
-- married in Mogilev
passenger manifest, 1913 -- born in Dubrowa
-- last permanent residence: Dubrowa
declaration of intention, 1916   -- born in Doobrovna
-- last foreign residence: Mogileff

Where are these four places?

Here is a Google map showing all four places (Chereya, Obol'tsy, Dubrowna, and Mogilev).

Below I've quickly gathered a few resources providing information about these locations (but I haven't read all this information myself.)

1. Information about Chereya:

2. Information about Obolitza / Obol'tsy:

3. Information about Dubrowna:

4. Information about Mogilev: