Part 3: Searching and search results (continued)

C. The links below citations

Below the citation you will often see this link:


You can click it to view a brief description of the article (plus some other details about it). E.g., the abstract for "Long-term effects of orthodontic magnets" begins:

"The aim of this intra-individual study was to examine human buccal mucosa clinically, histologically and immunohistochemically after 9 months' exposure to orthodontic magnets..."

You will also see this link below the citation:

Complete Reference

Clicking it will get you not only the abstract, but all available details about the article, including the MeSH headings (official Medical Subject Headings) assigned by the indexer. For instance, the Subject Headings for this article are:

Adolescent. Adult. E-Selectin / an [Analysis]. Female. HLA-DR Antigens / an [Analysis]. Human. Immunohistochemistry. Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 / an [Analysis]. *Magnetics / ae [Adverse Effects]. Male. *Mouth Mucosa / in [Injuries]. Mouth Mucosa / pa [Pathology]. *Orthodontic Appliances / ae [Adverse Effects]. Support, Non-U.S. Gov't.

You'll notice that there's sometimes an asterisk next to a Subject Heading. This means the indexer has determined that this subject is a focus of the article. We can see that *Magnetics / ae [Adverse Effects] (i.e., the adverse effects of magnetics) is a focus of this article, whereas Immunohistochemistry is not. (The article deals with immunohistochemistry somewhat but does not focus on it.)

Occasionally you will see one of the following links below the citation:

Full Text

Ovid Full Text

If so, you can just click to view the entire article immediately.

But please note that even if no Full Text link appears on the Ovid screen, your library may actually have full-text access to the journal through an electronic subscription.

E.g., no Full Text link appeared below "Long-term effects of orthodontic magnets..." when we searched Ovid MEDLINE at the University of Toronto. But in fact U of T does have an electronic subscription to the European Journal of Orthodontics (as well as a print subscription). So U of T students, faculty, and staff can easily view this article full-text. (For how to do so at U of T, please see "Retrieving your articles" in the tutorial "How to Research Your Dentistry Essay".)

Part 3: Searching and search results (continued)
D.  The Results Manager

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