Jeffrey Rosenthal TV Interviews, Talks, Etc.

Due to the success and popularity of the book Struck by Lightning: The Curious World of Probabilities, its author Jeffrey S. Rosenthal did a number of television interviews, public lectures, documentary appearances, etc., including the following. Click on a video below to play it.

See also a TVO lecture, some Discovery videos [photo / purchase], a Sounds Like Canada CBC radio interview and Quirks and Quarks interview and Wisconsin NPR interview, and a Royal Canadian Institute public talk [or zip file] and Centre for Inquiry talk [or Quicktime] and Tim Hortons interview [or on YouTube] and Treehouse talk and Banff talk and Edinburgh "rhetoric" talk. Plus some French-language radio and French-language television.

See also the full list of book publicity activities.

Public Talk at the Perimeter Institute

Here are the first ten minutes of a public lecture at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo on April 2, 2008, also available directly on youtube or in Quicktime.

The full lecture (85 mins) is available in Quicktime or in streaming Windows Media or as a huge mp4 file.

Pickard Lecture at Harvard University

Here are the first twelve minutes of the inaugural Pickard Lecture given at Harvard University on November 13, 2010. Also available directly on youtube or in Quicktime.

The full lecture (59 mins) is available in Quicktime. And it was later posted on Harvard's youtube channel.

Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer (time = 9:57 + 9:27 + 4:25 = 23:49)

This interview on Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer was broadcast live on Sept 26, 2005, and is presented here in three segments. (It is also available directly on youtube: part I, part II, part III. Or in Quicktime: part I, part II, part III.)

Breakfast Television (time = 5:05)

A live interview on CityTV's Breakfast Television (Toronto) on Oct 3, 2005.

(It is also available directly on youtube, or in Quicktime.)

ROB Television (time = 7:40)

A live interview on Report on Business (ROB) Television's "SqueezePlay" program on Sept 30, 2005.

(It is also available directly on youtube, or in Quicktime.)

TVO's More To Life (time = 9:54)

A live interview on TVO's "More To Life" program with Mary Ito, on Dec 9, 2005. (Somewhat poorer video capture quality.)

(It is also available directly on youtube, or in Quicktime.)

TVO with Allan Gregg (time = 9:50 + 5:12 = 15:02)

This interview on TVO with Allan Gregg was recorded on Dec 13, 2005, and first aired on Jan 11, 2006, and is presented here in two segments. (It is also available directly on youtube: part I and part II. Or in Quicktime: part I, part II.)

Interviews on William Shatner's Weird or What Documentary Series

I was interviewed for two different segments of the Discovery Channel documentary series "Weird or What" (hosted by William Shatner, a.k.a. Captain Kirk!). The first, broadcast Oct 13, 2010, was about probabilities for lightning strikes (also available directly on youtube or in Quicktime / mp4). The second, broadcast Oct 20, 2010, was about probabilities of strange coincidences (also available directly on youtube or in Quicktime / mp4).

A TEDxUofT Talk

On May 18, 2013, I gave a TEDx talk at a student-run event at my university, which was eventually posted online.

Also available directly on youtube or from TEDxUofT.

A Cadbury Caramilk Commercial!

In a different direction, in Summer 2012 I was featured in a commercial about probabilities for a promotion for Cadbury Caramilk candy bars.

It received lots of television airtime -- loads of friends told me they saw it on TV.

Also available directly on youtube or in mp4.

A "Square Off" Interview About Lotteries

Interviewed live on television on July 22, 2015.

Also available directly on YouTube.

A Talk at Western University

A talk to 500 alumni at the University of Western Ontario on November 22, 2019 (where they purchased a total of 72 of my books!).

Also available directly on YouTube or in mp4.

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