Professor Jeffrey Rosenthal,
Department of Statistics, University of Toronto.
Sidney Smith Hall, room 5016B; phone 416-978-4594;;
Time and Location: Mondays 2:10 - 3:00 and Wednesdays 1:10 - 3:00 in LM 161. First class Sept 8. Last class Dec 1. No class Oct 13 (Thanksgiving) nor Nov 17 (Fall Break). Final exam Tues December 16 at 9:00 a.m.
Exclusion: This course is not open to first-year students, nor to students enrolled in any science Major or Specialist program.
12% iClicker class participation (thoughout the term);
22% Term test #1 (on Oct 15 during class time, in EX room 300);
22% Term test #2 (on Nov 12 during class time, in EX room 300);
44% Final exam (Tues Dec 16 at 9:00 a.m., in the William Doo Auditorium
at 45 Willcocks Street).
Note: Students should obtain an iClicker device, available for purchase from the University of Toronto bookstore [unless they select the alternative grading option], and bring it to every class. Then, by Monday Sept 22, they should register it online by following the instructions given in class.
Textbook: None. The course instructor will post summary lecture notes on the course's Blackboard page -- but they are not a substitute for attending and actively learning from the course lectures. Students wanting additional background reading can optionally consult the instructor's somewhat-related book Struck by Lightning.
More Information: See the course's Blackboard web page.